Saturday, January 21, 2012

Interview Weekend

I am about to complete one of the single most amazing things that I have ever been a part of. I applied for two positions with the Baptist Student Summer Missions organization and last night and today have consisted of interviews, worship time, and simply getting to know everyone else that is interviewing. I won't lie to you all, because you deserve better, so in the spirit of honesty, I was terrified to come to this weekend. I only knew one person that was coming and, although she is a beautiful, wonderful girl, I was scared silly. I've never been good with getting to know new people and auditions scare the bajeebees out of me. I was certain that I would just be one big bundle of nerves and wouldn't be able to do anything correctly. That is the farthest thing from the truth! Everyone here is very welcoming and the atmosphere is just very calm. I wasn't nervous at all once I got here, got registered, and got settled in. Not only am I not nervous, but I have been extremely outgoing this weekend. I don't know if it's the fact that I know I am exactly where God wants me to be or if college has just changed me that much, but I like it. Last night I was in the activities hall and I started playing a game of Apples to Apples with a group of people there and instead of not talking and staying to myself I was talking to everyone and making jokes just like everyone else. It's the exact same way with the time I've had with the people interested in the DOXA team, like myself. Usually I am very self-concious and do not like hanging out with new people, but the people that I met today were wonderful! I would be truly blessed anywhere God chooses to place me this summer. I pinky that I will let everyone know as soon as I find something out, but until then keep praying!


It's official. I am completely addicted to Pinterest. I know everyone says that, but no joke, I can't stop. specifically I have started looking for simple, cute, do-it-yourself(DIY, obviously) jewelry and crafts to make. I had NO IDEA that there were so many gifted women who knew how to make some of the most adorable things, and I also had NO IDEA that they all converged on one website. It truly is mindblowing how many different things you can find on Pinterest. The newest thing that has caught my fancy has been t-shirt crafts. I mean, they are just so simple, and so quick that I can't help but try them out. I have made everything from cute headbands to tote bags. it is insane the adorable things you can produce from an old t-shirt that you have laying around the house. I have wanted an infinity scarf for a while now, but I have never had the money to just go out and buy one(poor college kid, I am), so I was browsing for my next project on Pinterest tonight and I found instructions to make an infinity scarf from an old t-shirt! I WAS THRILLED! it was amazingly simple, and believe it or not, the scarf looks wonderful!  I am so excited to wear it out somewhere I can hardly contain it.