I have begun to notice more and more that girls seem to be consumed by the prospect of a relationship. Especially girls in high school. It seems that every time I turn around there is another girl telling the world how happy she is and how she finally has the guy of her dreams, then the next thing I know her heart is broken because he WASN'T perfect like she thought. So many teenage girls are obsessed with forever. They know without a shadow of a doubt that THIS GUY is the one that will be forever. They just know that THIS GUY will stay around. They put everything they have into believing in their most recent forever and then their world is shattered when that forever only lasts a few months.
Please don't think that I am condemning these girls or making fun of them. That is the furthest thing from the truth. In all honesty, I was that girl in high school. I had the boy that I honesty thought was going to be my forever. I just knew he was the one. I just knew that he would be beside me through everything. I just knew...until I had to end it. Granted, my 'forever' did last longer than most, but I'm still not sure that I would classify that as a good thing. My forever did last almost two years, but that was almost two years that I could have done so much more than worry about my relationship. That was two years that I was mainly focused on him. Yes, school was important and I loved my family more than anything, but he was the main part of my life. We told each other everything. We were always talking. We were in constant contact. We knew every movement of the other person. Looking back on that now, it seems that I should have known better. Right?
Wrong. I am a firm believer that girls these days get their ideas for 'perfect relationships' from the movies. If I asked most girls what their favorite movies were I can almost guarantee that most responses would include at least one magnificent love story. You know the one I'm talking about. Girl meets boy, Girl likes boy, Girl doesn't want to tell boy, Girl and boy become friends, Girl and boy fight, Girl and boy ALWAYS END UP TOGETHER IN THE END. These movies make for wonderful entertainment and are always a nice pick-me-up when you've had a bad day, but far too many girls have convinced themselves that these movies show exactly how their relationships will turn out. It's supposed to work out, the girl is always supposed to end up with the boy she likes. The girl is always supposed to end up happy. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but these movies are not always true. The boy you like doesn't always like you back. You may end up with your heart broken. You may have to start back at square one when that 'Prince Charming' turns out to not be who you think he is. You just might have to learn how to be happy by yourself before you can even think about your forever.
I had to do just that and it has been the most amazing and freeing thing I have ever done. I have had to learn to be happy with my God and my family and, most importantly, myself. I have had to learn daily that I DO NOT have to have a boy to be complete. I still struggle with it, but overall I am so much happier. I can see now that, although not all of them are bad, many relationships can be a huge distractions. Girls need to learn first and foremost to be contented with the God who loves them more than the sun, moon, and stars. Every girl needs to take back her forever. After all, it was never hers to give.