Friday, May 11, 2012


     This has been a LONG time coming, but I am very happy to announce that I am HOME FOR SUMMER! That is such a great feeling! I am so looking forward to really getting my summer under way. Gracious.
     This year has certainly been a crazy one. I started college. I made new friends. I lost old friends. I realized precisely why my best friends mean so much to me. I had fights. I thought I was going to lose my mind (several times). I liked a boy (ok, a few boys). I worked my tail off in school. I had days when I didn't work as hard as I should have. I had fabulous successes. I had magnificent failures. I gained some amazing sisters. I found parts of myself. I lost parts of myself. I learned that I'm ok on my own. I grew up, but learned the importance of being silly. I made it. I'm now officially a sophomore in college. That's crazy, isn't it? Can you imagine that I'm going to begin my second year of college soon? I can't. Some days I still feel like I belong in elementary school, but other days I feel like I'm on top of the world. I'm exactly where I need to be. THAT is a good feeling.
     Speaking of great things, I start my Big Kid job in a few weeks!! I absolutely cannot wait to be a part of the church staff, even if it is temporary. The nerves haven't hit me yet, but I know they're coming. The day before I start working I'm probably going to freak out. I have to admit, this is the first job I've had, and I want it to be perfect. I don't want to mess anything up. I want to be good at this. Of course, there is the part of me that knows that it's God's will for me, but there is the other part of me that can't help but be scared of messing it up. I mean, I know that there will be small problems that arise, but overall I'm hoping it will be amazing. Who knows, maybe this summer is going to change my life :)