Friday, August 12, 2011

Best Friends....Forever

Everyone has that friend. That one friend that, no matter the circumstances, no matter the fights, the words spoken, the fists swung or the struggles encountered, will be there. Three years could pass between visits, but as soon as you see each other it's just like it was yesterday. I was lucky enough to be blessed with two such friends. I have no intention of being arrogant or rude, but BOTH of my best friends are better than yours. One of them has been around my whole life and I wouldn't trade her for the entire world. She drives me insane most of the time and there has been many a day when I was very tempted to smack her, but she is always there for me. She doesn't judge my choices and she supports me whether she agrees with me or not. She's the one that I would go to for just about anything. She truly is more family than friend, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The other hasn't been around quite as long, but he is just as important to me. I've never really had a male best friend, but he definitely changed all of that. He's the one that I go to for advice. He's the one that can talk sense into me when I'm upset. He's the one who gives me advice on guy stuff. He's the one who is there for me no matter what. I am thankful beyond words for these two people that God has placed in my life. You know that saying 'friends are the siblings God forgot to give us'? Well, all I can say is, true that <3

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