William Shakespeare once said 'words without thoughts never to heaven go'. Too often people speak without thinking. They aren't aware of the damage a word can do. Sticks and stones do break bones, but words can wound much deeper. I so desperately wish that I could honestly say 'I will never understand the constant need for young people to curse", but I do understand. I've been that lost, confused freshman who doesn't know which way is up half the time and just wants everyone to like me. I've sat alone and wondered what it would take for someone to want to be my friend. Maybe if I tell this joke, maybe if I say this or that. Maybe it'll happen tomorrow. I've resorted to using every curse word in the book just to get a little laugh or feel like someone is FINALLY accepting me. Thank the Lord that I'm over that stage, but it still pains my heart to see so many young people, young women in particular, using such horrid language. I understand that using words like that is easy, studies have shown that cursing is one of the most primal instincts that we have, but I wish that young men and women would realize that using those words and displaying that language doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look ignorant and uneducated. Worst of all, it shows a severe lack of class. No respectable lady should have a mouth that could make a sailor blush. There are thousands of languages in the world that all have millions of words in them. It isn't that difficult to find another word that will get the point across, yet still give some indication that the speaker has some level of self control. I wish every day that young people would realize that doing whatever it takes to be 'accepted' by those around them, even if it means demeaning themselves, is not the way to make friends. If the friends you try to involve yourself with require you to make less of yourself then please run away as fast as you can! There will always be someone out there that wants you to live up to their standards and do what THEY want you to do, but we all have to learn at some point to be our own people. There is nothing, no so called friendship, no status, no person, that is worth humiliating yourself and risking the respect of other. Please, just think before you speak
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